The Tracking Energy Development (TED) Task Force is a Joint Effort of staff at the CPUC, California Energy Commission (CEC), California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to track new energy projects under development.

The TED Task Force is focused on identifying barriers and coordinating action to address barriers that may impact energy development throughout the State.  The TED Task Force can potentially provide project development support, as appropriate, in particular with issues related to government involvement in energy development.

Contact information: CPUC/Molly Sterkel ( and Christine Root (, GO-Biz/Rohimah Moly ( and Gabrielle Stevenson ( and CEC/David Erne (

Overview of Project Tracking

Staff periodically provides information on the status of recent energy development and procurement underway.  For more information, see Integrated Resource Planning Procurement Track information    

Permitting Battery Energy Storage

Interconnection Tracking

There are an unprecedented number of projects and MWs being developed in California to serve the wholesale market.  These projects usually interconnect to the transmission or distribution system through interconnection tariffs governed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved tariffs, described on the CAISO's Generator Interconnection website.

Large projects interconnecting to the CAISO controlled grid will interconnect according to the CAISO's Interconnection Tariffs, frequently called the Generator Interconnection and Deliverability Assessment Process (GIDAP).

Relevant Links

Smaller projects interconnecting to the utility distribution system will interconnect according to each utility's wholesale distribution access tariff (WDAT), also FERC jurisdictional.

Regulatory Support for Timely Interconnection Processing

President Alice Reynolds sent a letter to each IOU interconnection department in March 2022 to emphasize the importance of interconnection issues for new energy development.

  • Link to President Reynold's Letters on Interconnection (March 2022)
  • Response from IOUs on Interconnection Process Improvement for Near-Term Interconnection (May 2022)

Transparency on Transmission Development for Energy Development

In order to interconnection new generation projects, many generators are dependent on transmission development to occur in a timely manner.  Transmission network upgrades are regularly required as a precursor to interconnection, and the development of requisite transmission is a critical path for new generators.  

  • Transmission Development Forum - To increase understanding of Transmission Projects that are going to affect generation development, the CAISO has commenced hosting a Transmission Development Forum quarterly to provide timely updates to generator developers, load-serving entities and interested stakeholders about the status of specific transmission upgrades.
  • Transmission Project Review Process - With the passage of Resolution E-5252 on April 27, 2023, the Commission established the Transmission Project Review Process (TPR Process) for the state's investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) beginning January 1, 2024.  The purpose of establishing the TPR Process is to have a uniform process to review the IOUs' capital transmission projects, allowing the CPUC and Stakeholders to receive robust data from Transmission Owners and to inquire about, and provide feedback on, the IOUs' historical, current, and forecast transmission projects.