Transmission Project Review Process

With the passage of Resolution E-5252 on April 27, 2023, the Commission established the Transmission Project Review Process (TPR Process) for the state’s investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) beginning January 1, 2024. The purpose of establishing the TPR Process is to have a uniform process to review IOUs’ capital transmission projects, allowing the CPUC and Stakeholders to receive robust data from Transmission Owners and to inquire about, and provide feedback on, the IOUs’ historical, current, and forecast transmission projects.
The TPR Process provides useful information to numerous programs and proceedings at the CPUC. These include but are not limited to: California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) review and permitting, Integrated Resource Planning (“IRP”), the Distributed Energy Resources (“DER”) Action Plan, General Rate Cases (“GRC”), wildfire mitigation and recovery efforts, and the CPUC’s Risk-Based Decision-Making Framework (“RDF”) and Risk Assessment & Mitigation Phase (“RAMP”).
An informational workshop was held with Stakeholders and Transmission Owners on August 17, 2023. The slide deck from the workshop is linked here: TPR Presentation for Aug17 - CPUC FINAL.
The descriptions of data fields to be included in the TOs' transmission project data is linked here: Resolution E-5252 Atch B TPR Process Data Template.
Summarized questions, comments, and responses from the August 17th TPR Process Workshop are linked here: Transmission Project Review Workshop 8.17.23 Questions and Answers.
A link to CPUC Resolution E-5252 is available to the public.
San Diego Gas & Electric
The TPR Process began with San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) release of its transmission project data on January 2, 2024. Please see the timeline for this first cycle of the TPR Process in the table below.
SDG&E has created a TPR Process-specific webpage where all relevant information can be found. This includes the public version of the data and instructions on how eligible Stakeholders can execute a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to access SDG&E’s confidential data. Please direct all SDG&E-specific comments and questions, including NDA-related matters, to Kris Bourbois (
A SDG&E TPR Process Stakeholder Meeting was held on April 10, 2024 and meeting documents are available on the SDG&E TPR webpage. Please see the updated SDG&E TPR Process Schedule below:
SDG&E TPR Process Schedule: January – June 2024 (UPDATED 04/24/24)
Data released |
January 2 |
Date by which Stakeholders provide questions and comments |
February 16 |
Written responses to Stakeholder questions and comments |
March 18 |
Date by which Stakeholders and CPUC provide agenda items for upcoming Stakeholder meeting |
March 25 |
Stakeholder Meeting |
April 10 |
Stakeholders’ questions and comments related to Stakeholder Meeting |
April 23 |
Written responses to questions and comments related to Stakeholder Meeting |
May 14 |
Last day for Stakeholders to submit project-specific, follow-up questions |
May 21 |
Written responses to Stakeholder project-specific follow-up questions |
June 5 |
Last day for Stakeholders to submit comments. There is no expectation of written responses. |
June 7 |
The Pacific Gas and Electric TPR Process will still begin on May 1, 2024, and the Southern California Edison TPR Process will begin on June 3, 2024.
Please check this webpage for any future updates and reach out to Energy Division with any questions about the TPR Process at