California Electric Rate Comparison
Your Options from Electric Power Providers

Find and Compare Electric Rates in Your Area
To see what rates your utility and a community choice aggregator (CCAs) may offer:
- enter your zip code or county or city; AND
- select the type of electric rate you are interested in:
- Residential (most commonly chosen),
- CARE (consumer discount program), or
- EV (for electric vehicle charging rates with a separate meter).
List of California Electric Power Providers
Community Choice Aggregators
- CCAs in PG&E Areas
- Central Coast Community Energy (3CE)
- CleanPowerSF
- East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)
- King City Community Power (KCCP)
- MCE Clean Energy
- Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE)
- Pioneer Community Energy (PIO)
- Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA)
- San Jose Clean Energy (SJCE)
- Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE)
- Sonoma Clean Power (SCP)
- Valley Clean Energy (VCE)
- CCAs in SCE Areas
- Apple Valley Choice Energy (AVCE)
- Central Coast Community Energy (3CE)
- Clean Power Alliance (CPA)
- Desert Community Energy (DCE)
- Energy for Palmdale's Independent Choice (EPIC)
- Lancaster Energy (LE)
- Orange County Power Authority (OCPA)
- Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME)
- Pomona Choice Energy (POME)
- Rancho Mirage Energy Authority (RMEA)
- Santa Barbara Clean Energy (SBCE)
- San Jacinto Power (SJP)
- CCAs in SDG&E Areas
- Clean Energy Alliance (CEA)
- San Diego Community Power (SDCP)
Investor-Owned Utilities
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
- Southern California (SCE)
- San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)
Support and Contact
Telephone: 1 (866) 849-8390
Address: Public Advisor's Office – CPUC
505 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102
Consumer Programs
California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE)/ Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Programs
The CARE discount is a monthly discount of 20-35% for electric bills for income-qualified utility and CCA customers.
The FERA discount is a monthly discount of 18% applied to electric bills for income-qualified utility and CCA customers.
Medical Baseline Rate Program
For utility and CCA customers, Medical Baseline ensures a set amount of electricity at the lowest monthly discounted rate for residential customers, who have qualifying energy needs due to medical conditions.
Utility Company Emergency Assistance
Some electric utilities offer cash assistance and special payment plans to consumers facing financial hardship.
Prepare for Power Down
Utility and CCA customers living in high fire threat areas can prepare for and/or navigate public safety power shutoffs using the programs and resources centralized here.
Customize Your Cost Savings
Shop top energy-efficient products, pick rebates, and customize programs for your home energy needs.
PG&E area Home Energy Guide (includes Product Cost-Comparison, Rebates, and Programs) | SCE area Home Energy Guide, Product Cost-Comparison, Rebates, and Programs) | SDG&E area Rebates
Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)
ESA provides no-cost weatherization services for renters and homeowners, who income-qualify for CARE, for utility and CCA customers alike. The services offered include energy-efficient refrigerators, energy-efficient furnaces, attic insulation, and low-flow showerheads among others.

Energy Efficiency Programs
All customers may check their local utility’s website for residential or commercial energy efficiency programs to reduce costs from audit to implementation.Pacific Gas & Electric | Southern California Edison | San Diego Gas & Electric | PacifiCorp | Liberty Utilities | Bear Valley Electric | Southern California Gas | Southwest Gas | Alpine Natural Gas | West Coast Gas (CARE only)
Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program
A statewide effort to upgrade existing gas and electrical systems at mobilehome parks. Program benefits include installing individual meters and offering cost savings and energy efficiency programs to decrease upgrade costs.
Water Company Assistance
Depending on your household income, you may qualify for discounted water services.
California LifeLine
Provides discounted home phone and cell phone services to qualified households.
California Teleconnect Fund (CTF)
50% discount to qualifying K–12 schools, libraries, community colleges, government-owned hospitals and health clinics, community-based organizations, and community-based healthcare organizations.
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP)
Provides assistive telecommunications equipment, speech-generating devices, and relay services to consumers with hearing, vision, speech, cognitive, and mobility disabilities.