Commissioner from January 2019 to February 2024

Genevieve Shiroma was appointed to the CPUC by Governor Newsom on Jan. 22, 2019. Prior to joining the CPUC, Commissioner Shiroma served as a member of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board from 1999 to 2019, serving as chair from 1999 to 2006, 2011 to 2014, and 2017 to 2019. Previously, she was Chief of the Air Quality Branch at the California Air Resources Board from 1990 to 1999, an air quality supervisor from 1984 to 1990, and an air quality engineer from 1978 to 1984. For five terms, from 1999 to 2018, Commissioner Shiroma was the elected director of Ward 4 of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
Commissioner Shiroma is presently the lead Commissioner for more than 70 formal proceedings spanning the regulated electricity, gas, telecommunications, transportation, and water industries. In addition to major rate cases and rate design proceedings for Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric, and California American Water, she leads the rulemakings over:

  • Microgrids and Resiliency, established pursuant to Senate Bill 1339
  • Transportation Network Companies (TNC) including Autonomous Vehicles, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, and the Clean Miles Standard to reduce greenhouse gases from the TNC sector
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy Financing
  • Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Research and Development program
  • LifeLine discount phone and broadband program
  • Water Consolidations and Acquisitions
  • California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE), Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA), and Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Programs for low-income customers

Commissioner Shiroma serves as the Commission’s representative on the Low Income Oversight Board and is a member of the Commission’s Emerging Trends, Finance & Administration, and Internal Audits committees. Commissioner Shiroma has served as the Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, and President of the Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). She serves on the NARUC Water Committee and the NARUC Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Resiliency Task Force and subcommittees on Black Sky and State and National Responses to COVID-19.

Commissioner Shiroma resides in Sacramento and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Davis. She was born and raised as a farm worker’s daughter in the Acampo-Lodi area of San Joaquin County. 

At the CPUC's January 25, 2024 Voting Meeting, Commissioner Shiroma announced her retirement, effective March 1, 2024. Since her appointment in 2019, Commissioner Shiroma has led on microgrids, energy efficiency, and LifeLine, to name only a few. You can view remarks from the Voting Meeting about her retirement on the webcast of the meeting at the 1:42:16 mark.


June 2023: CPUC Advances Broadband Affordability and Access in California

May 2023: CPUC Creates Web Portal for Streamlined Access to Low-Income Programs

April 2023: CPUC Charts Course for Microgrid Incentive Program To Increase Community Resilience

April 2022: CPUC Adopts Updates to Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan

April 2022: CPUC Mobilizes Community Based Organizations for Pilot Program To Help Consumers With Utility Debt

April 2022: CPUC Provides Additional Incentives and Framework for Electric Heat Pump Water Heater Program

April 2022: CPUC Expands Supplier Diversity Program To Encourage Diversity and Inclusion Within Utility Industry

April 2022: CPUC Press Release titled, "CPUC Approves Purchase of Sativa Los Angeles County Water District by Suburban Water Systems"

October 2021: Public Utilities Fortnightly 2021 Top Innovators: CPUC Microgrids and Resiliency Team 

April 2021: CPUC Newsletter Article titled, "CPUC Approves New PG&E Microgrid Program for Most Vulnerable Communities"

March 2021: CPUC Newsletter Article titled, "CPUC Public Meeting Addresses Utility Costs and Rates"

December 2020: Brookings Institute Interview: Regulating autonomous vehicles and ridesharing: Lessons from California

October 2020: CPUC Newsletter Article titled, "CPUC Acts on Communications Access and Affordability"

September 23, 2020: CPUC Commissioner Genevieve Shiroma Appointed as Secretary/Treasurer of the NARUC Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners

June 18, 2020: NARUC Creates Emergency Preparedness, Recovery and Resiliency Task Force

January 31, 2019: CPUC Press Release titled, "CPUC Welcomes New Commissioner"

January 22, 2019: Governor's Press Release titled, "Governor Newsom Announces Appointments to Top Energy and Wildfire Commissions"

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